Saturday, November 2, 2019

Request - Pre-Thanksgiving Meal Ideas

I cook for my brother and his wife, the day before a big family Thanksgiving, when I drive in to visit them. I want to make something exciting and flavourful. The main obstacle is my brother. He has never had a love affair with vegetables. He has gotten better over the years but he hates what he terms as "mushy" vegetables (made spaghetti squash with marinara once). Mushy vegetables would include things like squash, spinach and kale as examples. Though he eats some of them raw since I have used them in composed salads I have made. Of course he insists on bottle dressing.

I need some ideas that won't take forever to make, not too many ingredients (not my kitchen) and not real spicy. Definitely nothing too heavy, or with a lot of starch or any poultry since Thanksgiving is the next day. I am not certain about fish on his scale of likes probably salmon is safe. My sister-in-law is way easier. He does like Italian and I know he likes shrimp.

bon appetit

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