Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Zakynthian Lamb??

When I visited Zakynthos last summer, I had Zakynthian Lamb at a restaurant called Zorbas (Ζορμπάς). During the entire course of my 6 week tour through Europe, of all the food I ate, not only was this my FAVORITE thing I ate on the trip, but I went back to this same restaurant 2 more times (which I never do when traveling), and I ordered the same exact dish once more (which I REALLY NEVER do while traveling). This is how much I LOVED Zakynthian Lamb. I have scoured the internet looking for a recipe for zakynthian lamb, but have not found one. The lamb was smothered in a brownish reddish gravy of sorts that contained Cabernet, rosemary, and a few other ingredients I don't remember. If anyone knows what im talking about and can help me scavenge a recipe that might come even a little close to the masterpiece I tasted in Zakynthos, I would seriously be SO forever grateful!!! Also, on a related note, I also had a desert called Frygania that was heavenly, and I have the same issue with that, so if youre clueless on the lamb, but have a recipe for frygania, your help is needed here! Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for trying to help. You are all fabulous, and I am grateful for you.

bon appetit

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