Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Don't cook, failed at grits, trying to learn the ropes to surprise girlfriend

For the record, I'm a 26 year old dude with no kitchen skills outside of a bbq, and trying to figure out a way to help my girlfriend with dinner every now and then.

I wish I had a picture of my epic failure. But tonight I got the bright idea I was going to make cheese grits while my girlfriend was out for a few hours.

I followed the instructions, but my grits came out basically a brick, weren't cooked, and the 2 cups of cheese I used magically disappeared.

Luckily my girlfriend came home just in time for them to explode all over me and the stove and surroundings, and tried fixing what I had done. It was still horrible and only half edible, but the fact I could actually eat it, was incredible and so much more than I had managed to do.

The box said it would take 30 minutes, but the grits and water solidified in about 2 minutes, and I know for a damn fact I made it NOTHING like I am used to.

I obviously know the exact taste and texture I'm going for, yet haven't the slightest clue as to how to make it myself 😂 I now have so much more respect for my mother cooking growing up,and my girlfriend now.

If anyone has any tips on how to make the most simple thing on earth, I'll love you forever. Even a different recipe that works for you that is different from the one on the box I have would be awesome.


FYI asking my girlfriend is definitely an option, but I'd love the surprise of her coming home to at least a side dish made by me, the woman deserves it

bon appetit

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