I'm struggling to find a good recipe for Cinnamon Rolls for my father due to health concerns and the diet restriction from there. He's not much of a cook or a baker (as in, not-at-all) and my mother really only knows comfort food, aka, 'just add a stick of butter to everything.' So he's been struggling lately after living a life of tasty foods and now living a life of more sensible and healthy eating.
Unfortunately, while I'm well-capable of using the almighty powers of Google, I'm not very experienced in identifying 'good recipes' of this nature. Even then, it seems that there are always little tips or tricks that even Google doesn't find.
So I'm kind of stuck here. I'd like to bake him something that he can actually eat and enjoy, but I'm not sure how to approach that without, you know, the things that make food items enjoyable.
Does anyone here have any ideas, suggestions, tips and/or coveted recipes?
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