Monday, September 30, 2019

Great for a holiday party serves 8-10

bon appetit

What can I make with three large papayas, help...

Simple as the title, I have three large papayas and no experience with them, it would be greatly appreciated to get some recipes

bon appetit

Best way to make tuna for a sandwich?

Every time I make tuna for my sandwiches it never tastes as good as a deli. Ideas?

bon appetit

Baked Squash Parmesan with Sausage

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Chicken Fried Steak with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy! :)

bon appetit

My husband just brought home a 4.5 lb block of tillamook white cheddar. What am I going to do with this thing?! Need suggestions!

bon appetit

Looking for a recipe for crusty rosemary garlic buns

So Thanksgiving is coming up in Canada, and I wanted to wanted to change things up from serving store-bought bread

I love making this cast iron rosemary skillet bread, and want to deliver the same flavours and textures but as individual buns.

It doesn't need to be a no-knead or skillet recipe like I posted, I'm looking for tasty, crusty results

bon appetit

Baked Squash Parmesan with Sausage

bon appetit

Stocks Pound Cake

I was wondering if anyone had a similar recipe to the Stocks Pound Cake as my family is having a hard time making it or something similar to it. Didn't realize how hard pound cake was.

bon appetit

Looking for a great pumpkin soup recipe

Pumpkin season here in the UK isn’t that long, every year during these few weeks I try to recreate a pumpkin soup recipe that I made once 6 years ago and then lost by the time the next year rolled around. And I fail miserably - as in throw the whole lot away because just unpleasant fail!

This pumpkin soup was amazing, it tasted like Christmas in a bowl. It included spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, maybe ginger. I have a feeling that it used coconut milk but I can’t be sure. I do remember roasting the pumpkin before adding onto the soup and blending.

Here these are Christmassy flavours but I think they might be Thanksgiving flavours too so I’m hoping that someone might be able to help! Pumpkin isn’t hugely popular in the UK so I’m hoping some international input might be more successful than the recipes I’ve been trying!

bon appetit

Any awesome recipes that include cherry tomatoes?

We brought home about 3 baskets of cherry tomatoes and I was wondering if anyone had any dinner dish ideas? I’m worried most of them will spoil before we get to use them (they’re mostly used for salads or pasta dishes).

bon appetit

New to Lentils. Looking for easy recipes. Thanks!

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bon appetit

Recipes with potatoes?

I’ve recently come in possession of maybe 45 pounds of potatoes (might be more, not sure). I’ve made a few batches of fries, but what else should I do with them? What are your favorite potato dishes, and what type of stuff can I add to them to make it fun?

bon appetit

chili suggestions

I came home to a bag of assorted spicy pepper on my door knob, have no idea who put them there as i dont have many friends but i guess they all know i like hot peppers, im also very broke atm and figure i'll stretch the rest of my food out into making chili. im a good cook but have never made chili before. this is what i plan on doing plz let me know you you have any suggestions besides tomatoes or noodles.

  1. turkey, bratwurst and 80/20 hamburgers thawed and mixed together.. just working with what i got
  2. chilies
  3. kidney and chili beans
  4. someone told me to try peanut butter, so i guess that.
  5. chili powder, garlic powder,oregano maybe a little brown sugar if i had any
  6. tomato paste
  7. water
  8. about as many onions as i can fit

topped with cheese and sour cream with crackers, also i dont have any large pots so it will be cooked in a crock pot.

bon appetit

Spring rolls?

Anyone have a good recipe for spring rolls? Have some wrappers don’t know where to start thanks.

bon appetit

Panini Pressed Italian Sandwich (AKA Muffuletta)

bon appetit

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Recipes for dietary restrictions

I'm currently on the following dietary restrictions as per dietitian with my medical specialist:

- no tomato or tomato products

- no beans

- no nuts

- no whole wheat or bran foods

- no oranges or grapefruit or bananas

- no chocolate (boo hoo)

- cola products

- potatoes only if peeled and cubed before boiling, water drained, and then boiled again

These are what I can eat:

- rice

- white flour

- canned fruit

- other fruit restricted, e.g. max 1 apple a day

- milk and yogurt 1/2 cup at a time total 1 cup a day

- clementines

- non-cola sodas max 1/2 cup a day

Leaving out what's not relevant to recipes, does anyone have recipes that would be suitable?

bon appetit

Freeze Bomb cocktail, inspired by Horizon: Zero Dawn

bon appetit

Chocolate Pumpkin Pancakes

bon appetit

Well everyone, the cookbook is DONE and ready to share with you beautiful people!!!

Thanks to all of the fantastic support from this community, I buckled down and spent over 4 hours today transcribing the last of the hand written recipe cards. It's now done and ready to share with all of you beautiful people. I haven't found a free file sharing site yet, so for the time being send me an email at and I will send you the document.

Yes recipes is spelled wrong in the email, but it is the correct address...I might have had a few drinks when I made it.

I will apologize up front for any spelling mistakes, formatting inconsistencies, and other errors.

Original thread link:


bon appetit

[Monday] What are your recipe questions?

General Monday discussion about recipe substitution, what to do about a dish, how to season something, or just overall anything recipes.

bon appetit

Is there any ingredient that can be subbed in for mushrooms?

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bon appetit

Air fryer (or oven) breakfast bombs

bon appetit

What Should I Do With All My Chilis?!?

Yesterday, I found myself at the chili stall of my local farmers market. I settled on some Habaneros and some Mirasols and was set. I went up to pay, and the vendor told me she had something “special” for me behind her counter- to which she pulled out a big ole bag of chilis I didn’t recognize. They turned out to be Thai Chilis. I walked away with about half a pound of them.

What do I do with these things?!? They look and smell amazing, but I’ve never cooked with them. For reference I’m vegetarian. Thanks y’all!

bon appetit

Beef and Pork Ragu Recipe

bon appetit

[Request] Chicken Casserole

I had a casserole some years ago with shredded chicken, stuffing, cream of something (maybe), might have had shredded cheese. Was curious to hear some recipes that may be this dish I had and would like to recreate it.

bon appetit

Anyone know any good paleo friendly slow cooker chicken drumstick recipes?

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bon appetit

Copy Me That app no longer available?!

Not sure if anyone else frequently uses the Copy Me That Recipe Organizer website and app on their phone, but the app is no longer available on the Apple App store. I tried to download on another device, and it says that it is only available on the New Zealand app store. This is a really great app, but I was wondering if anyone else had the same problem!

bon appetit

Roasted Zucchini with Balsamic and Hazelnuts

bon appetit

Crab apples. What make?

bon appetit

Corned Beef w/ Cranberries and Mustard?

My (deceased) mom used to make a dish for the High Holidays that I'm trying to re-create, but I can't find anything similar online, I'm hoping someone could help me.

The dish she would make was a Corned Beef with a mustard and cranberry sauce. The way she would make it (I think) is by first making the sauce, then pouring it over the meat and then would place the meat in a pan on a wire rack with water at the bottom and then wrap the whole thing in tin foil.

Does that make sense? Does anyone know how to do something like this and can help me figure it out? I live at altitude, if that matters too.


bon appetit

Healthier, Whole Grain Banana Bread (Recipe in Comments)

bon appetit

Halloween Sugar Cookies

bon appetit

Truffle Oil Recipe Wanted

Hi All,

Recently my girlfriends mom brought back a bottle of truffle oil from her trip to France. I was hoping to cook something delicious for them using it. I was thinking mushroom risotto with truffle oil. Any other ideas? Thanks!

bon appetit

Introduction to non vegetarian

I've been a meat eater most of my life, but my mom is quite a religious (Hindu) woman and though she hasn't ever tried to dissuade me from eating meat, she's remained vegetarian all her life.

Recently, her mom passed away and she's like "I wanna try new things in life before I die". And trying to cook and eat non vegetarian food is on her to do list. The problem is that she'd not touch any kind of mutton/pork/fish etc, beef is banned in the country and it's quite difficult to get your hands on many varieties of fowl. So my options are (until now) limited to chicken. So can anyone suggest me a spicy(ish) chicken recipe with an Indian twist which will make her first time eating non vegetarian food memorable (and will hopefully open up wider culinary options for her)

bon appetit

Seafood Paella

bon appetit

Cottage cheese in spinach gravy [Homemade]

bon appetit

Are red beans the same as red kidney beans?

I wanna make some dorayaki at home but I don't know what red beans exactly are, I have only seen Rajma (Kidney Beans) being sold here.

Can I use those to make sweet red bean paste?

bon appetit

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Feni Cocktails you never knew existed

bon appetit

Dinner tonight was mushroom carbonara! [recipe in comments]

bon appetit

Homemade Hot Cocoa Mix (recipe in comments)

bon appetit

Broil 'ems! From an old Nabisco cookbook..yuck

bon appetit

Is there a trick to slicing open arepas?

I have just discovered arepas. The ones I make at home are great but I have been having a terrible time slicing them open to fill. I have tried all different knives and wetting or buttering the blade but it is always a huge problem of the knife getting totally gunked up before I can properly slice the arepa open. Is there a trick to it?

bon appetit

[Sunday] Your recipe of the week!

It's Sunday so let see or hear about some of those dishes you made over the weekend, last week, or maybe you're going to make next week.

bon appetit

Flour Tortillas

bon appetit

Holiday Drink Recipe Request

Hello 👋🏽 grad student here. I’m working on a project and figured reddit may be able to help me! what are some family holiday drink recipes you’re willing to share? That is holiday punches, cocktails, hot totties, eggnog, etc. Thanks in advance!

bon appetit

Mom’s Caprese Salad

bon appetit

Does anyone know any Yakisoba recipies?

My girlfriend used to live in Japan and she mentioned that it was her favorite a while ago, so I want to surprise her with it.

bon appetit

Looking for a good dish to go with crab Rangoon

I am set on making crab Rangoon because I just got a deep fryer...and love crab Rangoon. I will be cooking for 12 people and wondering if anyone has a recipe everyone should love to go with it?

bon appetit

Recipes that will keep throughout the week!

Hi all! I’m looking for some simple-ish, healthy meals that I can make in large quantity on a Sunday and eat for lunch/dinner throughout the week. I’m interested in vegetarian recipes that I can add chicken to if I feel like it. Thanks for any and all advice!

bon appetit