Friday, May 31, 2019

Cooking goldfish

Live goldfish. I stole like 12 of them from walmart the other day cause i wanted a pet of my one but I'm hungry.I have a crack torch lighter to cook them and i can dip them in honey. Can you eat pet fish? If not im gonna let them live in my 200 gallon tank.

If eating fish doesnt work I'll prolly try to catch a squirrel and fry it in motor oil.

bon appetit

I have 48 ounces of goat cheese that is "best by" June 3rd. Any recommendations?

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Jaw Wired Shut Recipe Request

Ive had my jaw wired shut for a week now due to it getting broken in two places and i'm getting desparate for new recipe ideas.

What i've been eating: Boost High Protein Yogurt Tubes Milkshakes Tomato Soup Blended Chunky Chicken Noodle Mashed Potatos and Gravy.

Please help me I feel like i'm starting to go crazy...

bon appetit

I want to make some saucy, oven baked pork chops. Hit me with what ya got!

Got a pack of pork chops, wanna bake them in some sort of saucy goodness but my limited googling isn't coming up with anything that strikes my fancy. Figured I'd ask you fine folks if you've got any ideas for me to try out!

Fwiw I've got 4 boneless chops and I'm probably gonna do some red potatoes with root veggies as a side.

bon appetit

Need a non-Fish Worcestershire sauce

Anyone have a recipe for this. The reason is due to food allergy of seafood.

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11 Herbs & Spices (maybe?)

Anyone want to help try and figure out amounts?

bon appetit

Just acquired an Actifry

What are some cool things I can make with this air fryer aside from wings, already have garlic parmesan wings in mind for the UFC fights. Thanks in advance.

bon appetit

In search of blackfinn ameripub chicken parm recipe

This item is no longer on blackfinn’s menu. I’ve never had this dish, but my girlfriend loved it and has asked me to try and recreate it for her. From her description the chicken was done in traditional chicken parm fashion. The pasta, however was sauced in a white wine butter sauce with capers and a few other things. If anyone could shed some light on this I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

bon appetit

Great Peanut Butter Chocloate Fudge Recipes?

Hi! I am having a “friendly” fudge making competition with my mother in a few weeks and I was wondering if anyone had some tips to make my fudge the best? Thank you!

bon appetit

Anyone here from Quebec that can help me with a poutine Gravy recipe ?

I have tried to make it from online recipes and they never taste quite right. So I have resorted to purchasing St Hubert.

bon appetit

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Flourless Tortes

living with hippies, want to bake cakes. anyone have good flourless torte recipes, especially a) a superb chocolate one, b) some non-chocolate ones (e.g. berry), and c) some layered ones (couldn't find any without flour in them). thanks!

bon appetit

[Friday] What are you cooking this weekend?

It's Friday so what are your plans for cooking this weekend? Share any great recipes you're looking forward to try or maybe you have a whole dinner planned out. Let's hear it!

bon appetit

Looking for a lower calorie garlic spread recipe.

I often buy or purchase "Toum" which is a Lebanese garlic sauce made with garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, and salt. Clocking in at 100 calories per tablespoon, I can't really fit it in with my diet and fitness goals as often as I would like. I'm looking for another option but am not sure where to start. I could use greek yogurt or sour cream, maybe? Or some kind of cheese, or I could cut it with something?

What are your thoughts?

The recipe

bon appetit

Sesame-Ginger Noodle Soup with Spring Vegetables

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Chicken Fried Steak vs Country Fried Steak

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Bubba's Tomato Butter/Tomato Jam

Here is my grandmother's homemade tomato butter. It was both sweet and spicy. She would make this while canning all of the summer vegetables she grew. It is the perfect thing to make with tomatoes that are going soft or if you have excess tomatoes. They do not have to be in great shape just not bruised. You can even use some green tomatoes in the mix. It is great with toast. I used to make pbj sandwiches with it. This only makes about one jar. If you make more then you will want to go through the canning process for long term storage or give them away.

Remember this is my grandmother's recipe so she did not use fancy vinegar or fresh ginger. You could experiment with changes but this is her recipe.

Tomato Butter

1 lb. Tomatoes - under or overripe

1/4 cup plain Vinegar

1/2 cup granulated Sugar

1 tsp. Cinnamon

1/2 tsp. Ground Ginger

1 tsp. Ground Cloves

Peel and chop up the tomatoes. Put peeled tomatoes and juices in deep sauce pan. Because of the acid do not use an aluminum pan. Add sugar, vinegar and spices. Cook covered (prop the lid open with the handle of a wooden spoon) over medium low heat stirring occasionally until tomatoes completely cook down into a thick sauce with no chunks left. Pour into hot clean canning or mason jar. Place the jar on a kitchen towel, away from drafts, on the counter till it comes to room temperature. Refrigerate.

NOTE: She left in the seeds because you want the pulp. If you want it seed free, you can pass the tomatoes through a food mill before cooking or use an immersion blender part way through cooking. I would even try it grilled fish or chicken.

bon appetit

Broke my jaw in two places on Tuesday, current had surgery and ready for a recovery. For the next 2 months I can only have liquids (milk shakes, soup, smoothies ect...) anyone got any recipes for me to have?

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bon appetit

Found Recipe: Cheese Wafers

Cheese Wafers

This recipe was found tucked in a box of books found at an estate auction in Paris Texas.


  • 2 Sticks Oleo (Margarine)
  • 2 Cups Fine grated Cheddar Cheese
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Red Pepper Flakes
  • 1/4 tsp Garlic Salt
  • 2 Cups Flour
  • 2 Cups Rice Krispies


  • Mix all ingredients but the Rice Krispies thoroughly
  • Add the Rice Krispies mix well
  • Press into small thin circles
  • Bake for about 10 minutes at 375 to 400 degrees


Makes 6 dozen or so.

bon appetit

chicken 65

Chicken 65 is a spicy andfried chicken dish. chicken 65 is an invention of A.M Buhari of the Buhari Hotel chain. we also have Vegetarian version like "Paneer 65" , "Gobi 65" use Paneer or cauliflower instead.some account claims that it is a dish containing 65 chilli peppers , other says that it was 65 item in menu, this chicken dish originating from Chennai, India.

Ingredients of Chicken 65

  • 300 gm chicken
  • 3 spoon all purpose flour
  • 2 spoon of corn flour
  • 1 spoon of rice flour
  • 1/2 cup yoghurt (curd)
  • 1 green chilli chopped
  • handful curry leaves
  • refined oil for frying
  • 2 tsp red chilli powder
  • 3/4 tsp cumin powder
  • 1 tsp of lemon juice
  • salt as per taste
  • 1/2 tsp of garlic paste
  • 1/2 tsp of ginger paste
  • 1 tsp of chopped garlic
  • 1 tsp of black pepper powder

How to make Chicken 65

Step 1

For the marination, take a bowl add cleaned chicken piece ,chilli powder, lemon juice,cumin powder, pepper powder, curd, garlic paste, ginger paste and salt together. This marination step is very important and will give this chicken recipe real flavour. keep it aside for 15 mins

Step 2

In another bowl add pinch of salt into the mixture of corn,rice and all purpose flour.Add in marinated chicken pieces one by one , roll them so that chicken gets evenly coated

[since i have added both corn flour and rice flour chicken will turn crispy after frying

Step 3

Now, heat oil in a deep-bottomed pan , carefully put the chicken pieces in the oil and fry them till turn golden in colour. then remove chicken and keep it aside

Step 4

In another pan add some oil when oil gets heated up add chopped garlic ,chopped green chilly and curry leaves saute for a min, add fried chicken pieces ,simmer for 2 mins

Chicken 65 is ready .

This usually served as a starter

bon appetit

What Can I make with fresh banana peppers?

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Kozhi Milagu Varuval [Pepper Chicken Fry] with Rice

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Creamy Pesto and Goat Cheese Pasta

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I couldn't possibly date someone picky.

It would be unfair to myself to date someone who doesn't like onions, garlic or mustard. I've immediately given up on dates the second I've found out that they refused to eat these things. I'm dating a girl now who doesn't like cilantro or spicy and I'm slowly introducing them into her diet aha.

Onions and garlic are the basis for like 80% of meals I make.

bon appetit

Rhubarb Upside-Down Cake

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Help finishing a recipe (chuckwagon stew)

Hello all, I hope this isn't against any forums rules, but I have the ingredients to a chuckwagon stew recipe I really like, but no amounts or ratios or anything. Any help turning this into an actual recipe would be greatly appreciated.

Ground Beef

Green bell peppers (diced)

Onions (diced)

Garlic Powder

Bacon (diced)

Canned pork and beans



Brown Sugar

Thanks for any help!

bon appetit

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Fried Chicken In The 18th Century

bon appetit

What can I make out of this? (List inside)

I want to make something to eat but idk what... This is what I have :

Green Onions Tortillas Salsa Eggs Rice Seaweed Tortilla chips (almost out) Lettuce Ham Cilantro Onion / Garlic powder

bon appetit

Found Recipe: French Salad Dressing

French Dressing Recipe

This recipe was found at the bottom of a box found in a storage unit auction in 2017.


  • 2 Cups Olive Oil
  • 1 Cup White Vinegar
  • 1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar
  • 1/2 Cup Ketchup
  • 1 1/2 Juiced Oranges
  • 1 1/2 Juiced Lemons
  • 1 Tbsp Salt
  • 1 Tbsp Mustard
  • 1 Tbsp Worcestershire
  • 1 Clove Garlic


  • Mix dry ingredients
  • Put oil in a deep bowl
  • Mix in vinegar and fruit juice beating well after each addition
  • Add dry ingredients mixing all the time
  • Once well blended put into a large jar and add a clove of garlic
  • Put in icebox


This makes a one-quart jar full.

bon appetit

Grilled pizza

Does anyone have any advice/recipes for grilling pizza?

bon appetit

[Recipe Request] I ate a Polish sausage sandwich in Chicago. How do I recreate it?

This is where I ate said sausage. Google wasn't much help, as I never cook sausage and have no idea what kind to buy in the first place.

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Granny Smith apple pickle Indian style

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What are y’alls favorite ways to season your burger patties?!

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Ropa Vieja

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I'd like something to make using ricotta cheese that isn't the usual i.e. Lasagna.

I'm not sure what else to say. I have a left over tub of ricotta that I have no idea what to do with. Sure I could make more lasagna but that'd be a whole lot more lasagna than one man needs.

bon appetit

How To Make Delicious Pakora Recipe on a tight budget!


1 teaspoon cumin powder

1 teaspoon coriander powder

1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder

1/4 sichuan pepper

1 cup chickpea flour (besan)

Water as required to make a thick batter

Salt as required

2 onions for onion pakora

2 eggplants for eggplant pakora

3 potatoes for aloo pakora

14 pieces of cauliflower for cauli pakora

6 slices of white bread for bread pakora

Onion Pakora

  1. First, chop onions into small pieces.

  2. Mix cumin, coriander powder, turmeric, sichuan pepper, salt and chickpea flour(besan).

  3. Add some water, onion to the spices, chickpea flour and stir properly so that all spices spread out.

  4. Heat the deep pan in medium flame and add oil to deep fry the onion pakora.

  5. From the mixture, make 5 to 6 small round pakora by hand depending upon your pan and add it into the oil.

  6. After 3 minutes switch the side of each pakora.

Thank you, For more details with picture please check here.

bon appetit

Homemade Crispy, Crunchy Falafel

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I'm looking for ideas for a thai French fusion meal

I have stew meat I want to use, sugar, soy sauce, chili sauce and dried chillies. Ginger, fish sauce, oyster sauce. Lots of spices and some vegetables, oils ect.

bon appetit

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Savory Nuts Recipe

preheat oven to 325

put the nuts and seeds in a big bowl, then stir in the maple syrup before adding the seasonings


1/2 cup pecans

1/2 cup almonds

1/2 cup walnuts

1/2 cup cashews

1/2 cup pumpkin seeds

1-2 tablespoon maple syrup

1/2 teaspoon curry powder

1/2 teaspoon chili powder (or 1/8 tsp cayenne)

1 teaspoon italian seasoning (or rosemary)

1/4 teaspoon salt

stir very thoroughly, preferably with a silicone spatula to prevent sticking

spread a thin layer of oil on oiled pan with a paper towel (i used peanut oil and a silicone mat)

spread nuts on pan so they aren't piled up

bake for 10 minutes, stir, then bake for around 6 more minutes.

let them sit uncovered to cool

bon appetit

Best pre-made KBBQ Kalbi marinade that gives a sweet authentic taste?

What’s the best pre-made Kalbi marinade? Looking for a sweet (not overly sweet) authentic taste!

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Spicy Ground Chicken and Mushrooms with Chive Blossoms

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Homemade Moist Chocolate Cake

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Chicken with Spinach Noodles

This recipe was found tucked in a box of books found at an estate auction in Paris Texas.


  • 4 Lbs Whole Chicken
  • 1 Stick Margarine
  • 1 Cup Bell Pepper Chopped
  • 1 Cup Celery Chopped
  • 1 Cup Onion Chopped
  • 8 oz Velveeta
  • 6 oz Jar Stuffed Olives Chopped
  • 6 oz Can Sliced Mushrooms
  • 1 Pkg Spinach Noodles
  • 4 Cups Chicken Broth
  • 1 Can Cream Mushroom Soup


  • Boil chicken
  • Save stock about 4 cups
  • Bone chicken cut coarsely
  • Saute in margarine the bell pepper, celery, and onion
  • Stir in Velveeta
  • Add olives and mushrooms and stir in chicken
  • Boil noodles in three cups of the chicken stock until all stock is absorbed
  • Add cream of mushroom soup to the noodles
  • Mix all ingredients together
  • Add remaining stock to moisten the mixture


If the dish is prepared ahead of time, it can be reheated in a casserole dish, in a 300-degree oven for about 45 minutes.

bon appetit

Anyone got any good tips for simply things to bake sea bass with?

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How is one to spice up simple butter noodles?

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So much green in this dish! Mahi Mahi with kiwi-coconut-cilantro chutney and a broccoli side dish that I highly recommend! Recipe for broccoli side dish below

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Paneer (Cottage cheese) Popcorn!

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The Steak Dinner Tart

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Topik- stuffed potato hummus recipe? Went to this amazing Mediterranean restaurant in Boston and want to create this at home. any ideas on how to

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Scotch Eggs & a Guinness Cocktail

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Persian Love Cake - this is the one you make when you want something that looks really special, tastes amazing (rosewater, cardamom, lemon) but is actually pretty easy to put together.

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