1 cup of Cheez It (or Cheese Nips) crackers
1/2 cup of Townhouse Flipsides Pretztel crackers
1/2 cup Triscuits crackers
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
1 pack of chicken tender select strips
1 teaspoon Creole seasoning
1 teaspoon Adobo seasoning
2 bottles of Killian's or Amber Bock beer (2 cups milk is a great substitute)
2 eggs
2 cups flour
1 can Pam cooking spray
Preheat oven at 350 degrees
Creating the breading: Pulverize Cheez-Its, Flipsides and Triscuits in a food processor. Empty crushed crackers into a casserole pan. Mix in the Creole and Adobo seasonings.
Preparing your beer batter: Combine the eggs and beer in a blender; empty into medium size (or larger) mixing bowl.
Getting your pre-breading ready: Empty the flour into another pan to allow enough space for properly coating the chicken tenders.
Breading the Chicken tenders: 1. Dip the chicken tenders in the beer batter. 2. Roll evenly in flour. 3. Dip in beer batter a second time. 4. Roll in cracker breading until fully coated.
Bake time: Lay tenders on sprayed cookie sheet an inch apart and bake 25 minutes. At end of baking time, take one tender and cut into it to see if it is cooked all the way. If still slightly raw, allow to cook for another 5 – 10 minutes.
Serving: Makes at least 20 tenders, give or take, depending on how many come in each prepackaged container.
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