I think I have stumpled apon something truly great. This is a recipe I have motified over some time. I'm not sure how to prove how good they are, but please take a chance on this. It will blow your mind! These rolls have better texture and spring than grocery store with way better flavor!
400g ap flour. Use a good quality flour.
8g salt.
2 tbs whole milk powder ( secret ingredient it's like msg )
60g sugar
Mix in a stand mixer to combine.
Add 2 egg yolks
100g mashed potatoes boiled in salted water. Any potatoe. I used russet.
220g warm whole milk. With 7g instant yeast. Bloom if you like not required.
Kneed for about 3 minutes on medium speed.
Add 80g soft unsalted butter 1tbs at a time.
Countune to kneed for about 4 min.
Dough will be sticky.
Proof for about 3 hours or until well doubled in size. I used quick rise yeast that proofs 50% faster so I only have to do 2 hours. You want double or even a little more.
Grease and parchment paper a 9 inch wide baking sheet.
Weigh 80g balls and shape them. Three in each row with like half and inch or lil less in between.
Proof for 40 more min or until they are touching. Brush with egg wash. (1 egg + 1 tbs water )
Bake 350 for 20-25 min. Depends on how hot your oven runs. Mine runs hot and it takes about 22 min.
Optionally make some garlic butter. Sweat 2 chopped garlic cloves in like 4 or 5 tbs of butter for a few min. Brush on right when they come out. Also can garnish with some flakey sea salt. (Shoutout to Joshua weissman) No shade but this recipe is way better than his.
I made these for friendsgiving and people freaked. Please give this a try. PM any questions
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