Friday, January 24, 2020

Looking for your favorite Meatball Recipe for family food contest

My family is having our second annual food contest. We have family and friends over and we make food! This year there are 6 contestants. Everyone votes for their favorite recipe with money. All money gathered is donated to a local charity of the winner’s choice. Last year we had a lot of fun with it. Raise over $250 that was donated to a local food bank. We even had shirts made and sold to everyone in attendance.

Now I’m sure you’re wondering what we’ve decided to call this competition. This is the Second Annual Beat My Meat Off!

Last year, our highlighted food was meatloaf. Although yours truly did not win top prize, I did manage to come in ahead of my mother’s meatloaf which is a big deal! Lol. This year, we have chosen to slug it out over meatballs. Now at its core, I think meatballs and meatloaf are very similar, but I’ve never made meatballs before. I could use some of your favorite recipes to gather ideas and create a family destroying meatball!

So once again, I ask, can you help me beat my family’s meat?!

bon appetit

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