Watch the Video for this recipe Here
- 2 medium sized heads of sour cabbage (about 20 good leaves),
- 750 g mixed minced meat (more beef, less pork),
- a smaller peace of smoked bacon,
- some smoked pork ribs,
- 6 onions,
- 1 cup rice,
- 3 dried red peppers,
- 1 tablespoon of fluor,
- 1 cup of oil,
- salt,
- pepper,
- dried vegetables seasoning,
- Laurel Leaf,
- ground red pepper.
Taste sourness of sour cabbage, separate leaves and if it is necessary pour
water over it to reduce acidity and saltiness.
While cabbage is in the water, fry finely chopped onions in the half of oil, add
meat, and fry it too, add salt, add pepper, sprinkle with ground red pepper, dried
vegetables seasoning and add rice. Mix and remove from stove.
On each leaf put of the filling of fried meat and onions, roll cabbage rolls (sarme),
and place them in suitable cooking pot. It is best to place the cabbage rolls in
one layer, but not too close together. Between cabbage rolls put on few places,
smoked bacon cut peaces and smoked pork ribs. Crumb laurel leaf and dried
red peppers and sprinkle over cabbage rolls.
Pour water over all, so the cabbage rolls sinks. At the beginning cook on high
temperature (until water boils), and then at medium temperature for 20 minutes.
In the other half of oil fry the flour, add a little ground pepper, whisk and pour it
over cabbage rolls which are cooking. Shake the pan so browned flour can
coat everywhere, and with a spoon separate cabbage rolls so the water and
browned flour can blend together to make a sauce.
Place dish in pre-heated oven and bake on medium temperature for about 2 hours.
Temperature should not exceed 200 °C. If cabbage rolls starts to become brown
on the surface, cover them with foil, but do not seal them, so it can evaporate.
If during the time of cooking all water evaporates, add a little hot water.
Cabbage needs to be well cooked.
Remove Finished cabbage rolls from the oven and serve with pieces of smoked
bacon and pork ribs.
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