I once attended a university that grew oranges. In fact, they grew famous oranges; the best oranges I've ever had. Perfectly sweet, yet slightly tart, juicy, easily peeled. I have never found these oranges since, but they used them for everything. The oranges and orange juice in the dining halls were these oranges. They sold small bottles of cold pressed orange juice in every store on campus. Hell, we had a guy walking around in an orange suit half the time. But the one thing that tops all of this was an orange marmalade, served only one place on campus for only a few hours a day.
I'm used to orange marmalade being bitter. Every orange marmalade I've had since leaving has been bitter, even those advertised as sweet. I asked around for the university recipe, but the recipe I received was not accurate. I would kill for a truly sweet and pleasantly tart orange marmalade recipe. Any ideas?
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