Friday, October 25, 2019

How to "spruce up" spaghetti? Pasta advice needed!

Advice needed! First date with a "home-cooked" tonight.... his favorite food is ...spaghetti. 🤔

How can I make spaghetti more than just... eh. I feel like I've never even seen it on a menu in a restaurant and am starting to wonder if it can even be "fancified" or "gussied up" at all?

I was thinking, maybe, adding some fresh basil to the sauce? Or is that weird? Maybe I add some mozz? Also weird? I'm lost.

I have access to anything and everything as I'll be stopping by a local co-op on the way home from work-- any advice to jazz up this dish would be so appreciated!! Thank you in advance!

*note, I will not be hand-making the pasta, but I tried to find the "nicest" brand available of boxed.

bon appetit

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