Saturday, January 25, 2020

Salmon Croquettes Recipe

Hello, was wondering if anyone could help with a recipe or at least an idea.

So when I was a kid my grandmother used to make what she called Salmon Croquettes and when she died I never got the recipe, even though she always told me one day she would teach me how she made them, we just never got around to it.

I've looked up several different recipes throughout the years to try and recreate them and never seems right. From what I could remember was the coating was very thing and nicely browned - I'm assuming just breadcrumbs, because I tried cornmeal and way to dense and hard. Always canned salmon. Mix and formed in oblong oval balls instead of the usual patty form. Mix with eggs and I think maybe mayo or milk/buttermilk? No clue if she used seasoning or any other mix in. Rolled in breadcrumbs and always refridged overnight and then fried in a shallow thing of oil. No vegs or anything besides salmon inside from what I can remember.

Now I have tried making them with like I said cornmeal, no go there. Mixed with mayo, Worcestershire sauce, onions, eggs, milk, and some seasonings. Didn't taste good or right. That was my last try. I know I can and have looked on google and none of the recipes I have tried or read seem like a good fit.

Just wondering if anyone ever came across anything similar? Thanks.

bon appetit

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