Saturday, August 12, 2017

Because fall is around the corner and everything becomes pumpkin flavored!

So in my house we eat these cookies year round. They're pumpkin cookies. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Before you're all like "ew no thanks" seriously you gotta give these a chance! My boyfriend was all like "pumpkin is disgusting get it away from me" until I lied and said it's a sugar cookie. The idiot fell for it. Now he's obsessed and these are his favorite cookies. They have the most mild pumpkin flavor, I swear. It's more cinnamon and nutmeg that you taste. I think the pumpkin just helps keep them super moist! It's like eating cake. For real. I've made these for family, friends, coworkers, and for my boyfriends coworkers down at the jail and it's a big hit every time!

The cookie (makes 2.25 dozen): mix together 1 cup of softened butter 2 cups of all purpose flour 1 cup of sugar 1 egg 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 tsp salt. (If you're using salted butter, skip the salt) 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg 1/2 of a 15ounce can of pumpkin purée

The icing Powdered sugar and water. I usually just eyeball this part but the consistency should be like... pancake mix. I used about 2 cups of powdered sugar and 2 tbsp of water? It sounds super sugary and gross but it compliments the cookies well. Once again, I swear haha

Baking instructions: Preheat oven to 350 Use an ice cream scooper to scoop batter in to perfect same sized balls and leave about an inch and a half to two inches all around each cookie (they mostly rise) Place cookies in the oven and wait patiently for 10-12 minutes until the tops have set and the bottoms are golden.

WAIT UNTIL THE COOKIES ARE FULLY COOLED BEFORE ICING. You'll just end up with wet cookies. I know you're wondering what that is and i don't know how else to explain it but just wait. Seriously.

These are great with and without icing. They're also nice to have with your morning or evening coffee :) I hope you all enjoy these as much as my family and friends!

bon appetit

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