Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Ricotta Meatballs

So... I made these last week, new to me. And they were amazing.

What need?

(Adjust as needed for larger crowds, this makes apr 16-20 meatballs)...

One pound ground beef (mince)

Half onion (I prefer sweet)

Few cloves garlic, I used garlic powder, up to you

One egg

Ricotta cheese, apr 1 cup (8 ozs)

Spices. I used kosher salt, black pepper, cayenne, and onion powder. It doesn't matter. Use what you like.

1/4 cup of fresh chopped parsley, though the dried spice is fine as well. Just not that much.

Breadcrumbs. Can use plain. I used Italian style. About 1/4 cup... you kinda need to decide for yourself. Meatloafish consistency.

Jar (16 ozs) pasta sauce. I used a parm/marinara mix.

How do?

Chop the 1/2 onion fairly small. If using real garlic cloves mash and add as the onions get translucent or just throw powder in at the end. Other ingredients should be cold! Now... take the onion garlic mix from pan, add to a bowl. Add the egg. Add the ricotta. Mix those together. Add whatever spices you choose after that, mix. Add your ground beef (mince). Add parsley, fresh or flakes. Mix. Now add your bread crumbs. (NO MILK... I'm not missing it, you don't want milk here cuz the ricotta is plenty milky so to speak). Mix all that up.

K ingredients ready now what do?

Small splash olive oil in the pan, heat it up. Shape little meatballs from your meat mix. Not really big, but try to keep size consistent so they cook evenly. Meatballs into pan. Turn often. You wanna brown the outsides of them. Tilt pan when they are brown, use paper towel to take out excess grease. Now add your pasta sauce, and a pasta jar full of water. Mix in pan. Simmer for 30-45 minutes on medium low heat. Done.

Great to put on rolls with some cheese... or even eat like that. These are a bit tricky, so if they seem to fall apart on your first try... means you need more bread crumbs next time. Binder is important. Ok... give it a go and I hope you guys enjoy. These balls are banging! haha. Later, Poet.

bon appetit

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