Sunday, July 22, 2018

Inspiration for your next thing?

Hey all, I have a fairly simple question: Where do you find inspiration for what to make next? Mostly I just browse through and when I see the image of something that looks really good I click on it, check out the recipe, and if I still like it I'll bookmark it until I get the chance to run to the store, pull that recipe back out, and try it out.

This has worked pretty well until recently when I've started baking a lot more. I mostly do desserts because I have the most fun with those. So yeah. I've been looking around quite a bit trying to figure out the type of things that I want to make next and how to keep up a list. Thanks all. :)

Also, for clarification, I'm not against remaking old recipes that I and others have greatly enjoyed... I just also like finding and trying out new things-- as I'm sure many of you do as well.

bon appetit

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