Monday, September 12, 2016

Idea for "Adult Cheesy SpaghettiOs"

Disclaimer I am not a chef, I am just a cook. I hope this recipe does not offend anyone. But I would like help.

So as a child I adored SpaghettiOs. I loved all their flavors. Then came the dreaded day around age 14 when I could no longer stomach my once prized meal. Here it is many years later and I want to make an adult version my recipe is not close to perfect but with your help we can get there!

1 Tb Lard (You can use any oil)

2 Cloves Garlic minced

1 large White Onion

32 oz crushed tomatoes

2 oz tomato paste

4 oz sun dried tomatoes

2 Tb Salt

1 Tb Pepper

Cook over medium heat then blend into a soup.

1 Box of Velveeta Shells and Cheese.

Boil Shells to desired tooth feel.

Add Shells and half of the Velveeta Cheese pouch to the Tomato Soup Base.

And Presto we have Adult Cheesy SpaghettiOs.

Now I have not tried this recipe yet, I was hoping for some help from the community tweaking this recipe. This seems simple enough to pull off and it has a lot of the things I already love. Ideas?

bon appetit

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