Sunday, September 11, 2016

My mom's fajitas recipe!

So some of my friends were able to taste moms home made fajita and you asked me for the I asked mom if she can give the recipe, and she did!

This is a bit complicated and requires quite a bit of preparation. Here's what you'll be making. 2 sauces, salsa sauce & fried beans sauce. And we'll also be making the tortillas (bread) and the chicken marinade.

So without further ado, I present to you, my mom's fajita recipe :P

The following ingredients are enough for 4 – 6 people:

4 tomatoes 4 onions 3 capsicums 1 tablespoon vinegar cooking oil 1 cup kidney beans 4 garlic cloves (finely chopped) 5 chicken breasts 2 tablespoon paprika 2 cups flour mature cheese (shredded) sour cream nacho cheese olives jalapeno water (as required) salt (as required) sugar (as required) Parsley/coriander (as required)


  • Chicken marinade:

1) Take the chicken breasts and give them a julienne cut. 2) Mix the pieces with paprika 3) Leave it for 30 min.

  • Salsa sauce:

1) Take 4 tomatoes and cut them each into 4 pieces 2) Take out the pulp (do not throw it away) 3) Grind the pulp only and chop rest of the tomato pieces 4) Chop 1 onion finely and chop 1 capsicum 5) Mix all the ingredients adding vinegar, sugar, salt, and parsley/coriander. 6) Keep in cool place.

  • Fried beans sauce:

1) Boil the beans until they are soft 2) Finely chop 1 onion and sauté until golden brown 3) Finely chop 4 garlic cloves and sauté for 1 minute 4) Mix the ingredients and mash them 5) Set aside.

  • Tortillas (bread):

1) Mix flour, ½ teaspoon salt, and water until it becomes dough. 2) Set aside

  • Other preparation:

1) Take 2 onions and 2 capsicums and give them a julienne cut. 2) Mix them and set aside.

The cooking!

Sauté the marinated chicken (with cooking oil). This should take around 5 to 6 minutes. Then sauté the onions and capsicum (from 'other preparation'). Make your tortillas from the dough.

You are almost there!


Now that everything is cooked and smells good, it's time to serve! Not going to go in detail, but just take your tortillas and fill it up with chicken, sauces, cheese, olives, jalapeno and sour cream. Enjoy!


bon appetit

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