Saturday, February 29, 2020
Easy recipes to add Chia seeds into your diet
- Chia Gel: Place ¼ cup seeds in 1 cup liquid, stir well, and cover. Allow to sit for about 15-20 minutes until the texture changes to a soft gelatin. Store in refrigerator for up to one week. Add to smoothies and soups to boost nutrient value and create a thicker, more satisfying consistency.
- Chia Pudding: To make a dessert variation, mix ¼ cup of seeds with one cup of liquid such as milk (almond, soy, or dairy all work) or 100% fruit juice. Allow to sit for at least 15 minutes refrigerated. Add nuts, chopped fresh fruit, or cinnamon if desired.
- Chia Sprouts: Place chia seeds in a single layer (use only about a teaspoon to allow enough space to grow) in a terracotta saucer or un-glazed clay dish. Spray the seeds with water several times and cover with plastic wrap or a clear glass dish. Put in a sunny spot. Spray morning and evening until green sprouts appear, about 3-7 days. Use these micro-greens to garnish salads and sandwiches.
- Egg Replacement: This may be used to replace whole eggs in baking. For 1 whole egg, mix 1 tablespoon of whole chia seeds or 2 teaspoons ground chia seeds with 3 tablespoons water. Allow to sit for at least 5 minutes or until the mixture thickens to the consistency of a raw scrambled egg.
Please give me a recipe for pumpkin pie
So I found some canned pumpkin puree in Sainsbury 's today and I would love to make a pie with it. I made one a couple years ago but I can't remember everything I put in it. I used fresh pumpkin back then that I boiled with spices but I did not end up liking the result. Could you please give me your favourite recipe for pumpkin pie and any tips and tricks how to get it perfect? Thank you.
[Sunday] Your recipe of the week!
It's Sunday so let see or hear about some of those dishes you made over the weekend, last week, or maybe you're going to make next week.
What carrot soup that doesn't require blender do you recommend?
My blender is out of action so I'm looking for a carrot soup recipe that doesn't need you to blend the carrots for it
How do I scale up my production of homemade "jelly drops"?
I'm trying to make these for my grandmother who is seemingly constantly dehydrated. My plan is to use a vegetarian gelatin substitute like agar powder as well as an unflavored electrolyte powder, monk fruit for flavor, and food color. The only problem is that I can't afford to make enough of these for her to hydrate as much as she should. What would you guys recommend I do to decrease costs?
the BEST traditional meatloaf recipe
The traditional meatloaf recipe is a dish of ground meat that has been mixed with other ingredients and formed into the shape of a loaf, then baked or smoked. The final shape is either hand-formed on a flat pan or created by cooking it in a loaf pan.
For great tips please visit my post -> https://presentoflife.com/the-best-traditional-meatloaf-recipe/
- preparation time: 10m
- ready in: 1h
- serving: 8
- calories: 370-400
- 1 1/2 pounds ground beef
- 1 egg
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 cup milk
- 1 cup dried bread crumbs
- salt and pepper to taste
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons prepared mustard
- 1/3 cup ketchup
- Preheat oven to 175 degrees C.
- mix in the beef, egg, onion, milk and bread crumbs In a large bowl.
- Season the mix with salt and pepper to taste
- Form into a loaf and place in a lightly greased 9x13 inch baking dish.
- combine the brown sugar, mustard, and ketchup In a separate small bowl.
- Mix well and pour over the meatloaf.
- Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 1 hour.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Implements needed for pot roast?
Sorry if this is a dumb question or I posted in the wrong place. Recipes are appreciated, but I 'd also like to know more about implements, or specifically recipes that do not require the implements I do not own. Or, if these implements are required, I want to know which ones to buy.
I grew up with a single, vegetarian dad, so I never learned to cook. I've mastered simple recipes & vegetables, but meat has always seemed complicated to me. I've learned simple meat dishes & want to try others. Pot roast with potatoes is one of my favorite dishes. When I search recipes it usually says I need a dutch oven or slow cooker. I am wondering if it is possible to make a good roast in a regular over on a baking sheet, shallow dish or something? Or do I need to buy a dutch oven, slow cooker, or something else? Thanks!
Goat's Milk Problem
So my baby brother received about 3 gallons of goat's milk from a client for his job and he has no idea what to do with it. Any suggestions?
Strawberry Milk Tea Latte Recipe w/ Homemade Strawberry Syrup (Vegan Friendly)

Instant Mash Conversion??
Hey all!
Want to do an easy Shepard’s Pie, I don’t have time to do real mash, so wondering if there’s a conversion from real potatoes to instant flakes??
Thank you!!
Easiest Overnight Oats instructions and recipes
healthy, no hassle, no cooking overnight oats, there are so many ways and variations to make, and they are so easy to prepare.
Link to post - - -> https://presentoflife.com/easy-overnight-oats-recipe/
Overnight Oats instructions and recipe
Oats: Most recipes are made with old-fashioned rolled oats and sometimes quick oats.*gluten-free options are also available if needed.
- Chia Seeds: Chia seeds give overnight oats the pudding-like texture and add extra health benefits to the mix, but feel free to leave them out if you are not a big fan.
- Add in butter, or nut butter to add that extra creaminess. common are Almond butter, Cashew butter, Pumpkin butter, sunflower seed butter or peanut butter add that savory-nutty flavor and a certain creaminess.
- For the liquid to bind them all together, use your favorite milk. For a dairy-free version of overnight oats, we use almond milk, coconut milk, or cashew milk.
- Fruit: This is where the magic happens, pick the added flavor from your fruit of choice, try going for fruits that will not get soggy overnight, good options we enjoy are Apples, Oranges, Berries (especially strawberries, goji berries, and cranberries), Kiwi, Pineapple, Banana, and shredded coconuts.
- For a Sweetener, you can decide also to leave out, depending on how sweet you want the dish to be, for our sweetener of choice you have honey, maple syrup, banana, dates, stevia, or erythritol will work.
- To top it all off, just sprinkle your spices on top of it all, we love using Cinnamon, cocoa powder, or pumpkin pie spice.
- combine all chosen ingredients as specified into an 8oz. mason jar, or resealable container
- place in the fridge overnight
Hot or Cold? why not both?
heat it in the microwave for a hot breakfast
enjoy your overnight oats cold straight from the fridge
Simple top chef recipes?
What are some l top chef recipes that are simple and cheap to make. Like the Heston Blumenthal fries that taste amazing.
Melted cheese alternative
Any suggestion to mimicking melted cheese on top of a pizza? I mean it solidifies when cold and melts when heated, the stringiness would be the cherry.
Probably something like milk, butter and a thickener (corn flour). It sounds like béchamel sauce but i think it takes longer time to transition from melted to solid than cheese, adding more butter would make it greasy. Any fixes?
Thank you.
Anyone know a good pound cake or alike recipe with almond milk?
Hello everyone,
I've never baked with almond milk before. I got one from Alpro and would love to try baking with it this time. Preferably a pound cake. I have lemon, sour cherries, chocolate chips that I can use as well. Any suggestions?
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Blueberry olive oil cake. No fancy cake making equipment needed! Just a bowl and spoon.

scrambled green pumpkin (I really don't know how to say it in English)

I have a shit ton of lemons, what are some things I can make with them?
Just picked a bunch of lemons off my tree. I’m open to all ideas. I’ll probably try and make some lemon bars with them but I can’t think of any thing else.
Best sweet pizza sauce
I'm looking for a really yummy sweet pizza sauce (like pizza huts)
Healthy tasty freezable soup recipes.
So my FIL has cancer in his stomach, he can’t eat much but what he does eat needs to be soft or liquid. I want to make him some tasty but nutritious soup. He is eating bits at the moment but what he does eat isn’t very nutritious. So I’m thinking soup would be a good idea. I’ve got a good Stilton and broccoli recipe, and butternut squash recipe. So I’ll have a go at any other soup recipe you can give me!
Healthy freezable meals?
I'm looking for ideas for freezable meals I can make in bulk on a weekend and freeze to take to work. Ideally they must be lean and high protein.
I'm getting bored of the same old "safe options" ie chilli con carne or some form of pasta. I'm open to any ideas so surprise me. I mainly eat meat based meals however I'm also open to suggestions that are plant based.
I've not really got any limitations other than tasty (obviously), freezable, microwavable, relatively affordable and easy to prepare in bulk.
I look forward to seeing some of your recipes.
Looking for recipe ideas for a 10 bean-mix
As the title says, I've got this big pack of beans (black eyed, black turtle , butter, haricot, lima, pinto, red kidney, rose cocoa, alubia and mung beans). I realise I can easily make a chilli mix or a soup with them, but I'm wondering if people might have other ideas for what to do. I'm happy to try both vegetarian and non-vegetarian.
Takeaway Style Chicken Chow Mein?
Afternoon folks!
Apologies if I'm posting this wrong - new to this sub Reddit!! I'm looking for a recipe for a takeaway style Chicken Chow Mein? Preferably one that doesn't take too long to prepare and cook - under an hour possibly?
Any suggestions? Cheers!
Anyone has a simple banana pancakes recipe?
there are so many recipes I feel overwhelmed, does anyone have a simple pancakes recipe? (other healthy breakfast recipes welcome with common household ingredients)
What are your favorite non meat dinner recipes?
I participate in lent so I need some ideas other than just having tuna salad every Friday. And I don’t like anything too fishy so I will eat salmon, cod, tilapia or shrimp or lobster rolls. Doesn’t have to be only fish either just no meat.
Mexican Breakfast Bowls The Complete Guide.
Mexican Breakfast Bowls with sweet potatoes, black beans, turkey chorizo ( optional) avocado, cilantro and an egg. Lightened up and delicious! More Delicious recipes are ( Beef Steak, Crispy French fry, Yummy Pizza, Beef chops, Pasta, Pan-cake )
- ½ an onion- diced
- 1 sweet potatoes (or yams) – diced into ½ inch cubes -about 2 cups
- 2 tablespoons oil
- generous pinch salt, pepper, chili powder
- 1 ½ cups cooked black beans ( or one can drained), heated and seasoned with 1 teaspoon cumin, chili powder and a pinch of salt.
- 2 cups Turkey Chorizo ( optional) or sub regular chorizo or vegan chorizo
- 4 Eggs
- Garnish: Avocado, cilantro, scallions, hot sauce, sour cream
- Other toppings: diced tomato, sautéed bell pepper or zucchini or other veggies
- Toss onion and sweet potato with the oil, season with salt, pepper and chili powder and roast on a parchment lined baking sheet in a 400F oven until tender, about 20 minutes. (Alternatively, sear in a skillet over medium heat, stirring occasionally for 10-15 minutes.)
- If making chorizo, cook it with a little oil, browning it and breaking it apart into crumbles.
- Heat the black beans, season with salt, chili pepper, and cumin.
- Prepare the eggs to your liking– either scrambled, over easy, sunny side up, or poached.
- Once the sweet potatoes are cooked, divide among 4 bowls. Divide the chorizo and black beans. Top with the eggs, avocado slices, cilantro and scallions. Add fresh tomatoes if in season.
- Serve with your favorite hot sauce and a dollop of sour cream.