Monday, March 28, 2016

Curried Mushroom Salad

Recipe taken from


Arugula Spring mix Shitake mushrooms Sweet onion Cucumber Pine nuts Lemon Olive oil Sesame oil Soy sauce Curry Masala Instructions

Wash and dry your 'shrooms, man. Slice the mushrooms. You can keep the stem or cut it off. I prefer to cut the stem off but the stem gives it a heartier texture. Thinly slice your onions. Thinly slice your cucumber. Add olive oil and sesame oil to a pan, heat to medium heat and add curry powder then add mushrooms and sauté your mushrooms till they are brown. Add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce to the pan with mushrooms and cook till the soy sauce is absorbed. Turn off the heat. Mix the lettuce, one parts spring mix to one parts arugula. Add lemon and olive oil to the lettuce. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. Top with your mushrooms and pine nuts.

bon appetit

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