- 125 g butter
- 2/3 cup castor sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 2 cups self raising flour
- 1/4 cup milk if mixture is too thick add more milk
- food colouring as many colours as you want (I use 6)
- 125 g butter
- 2 cups icing sugar
- 1 Tbs milk add more milk if needed
Cupcake strategy
- Preheat stove to 180 degrees Celsius
- Line a plate of 12 cupcakes
- Cream the spread and sugar
- Add eggs and vanilla and beat once more
- Add flour and drain and blend tenderly
- Add more drain if necessary
- Divide hitter into dishes to shading (I utilize 6 hues)
- Add one teaspoon of each shading into every cupcake case. Dont stress over smoothing them out.
- Once they are full, slam the plate against the seat a couple of times to expel their air and place them in the stove to prepare.
- Remove them when they are prepared and given them a chance to cool
Icing technique
- Beat the sugar until white (3-5 minutes)
- Add icing sugar and beat til consolidated
- Add drain until the point that you achieve wanted consistancy.
- Add shading in the event that you need. I regularly abandon it white.
- Ice cupcakes once they are chilly. I enrich them with a spot.
And if you want you can also buy cakes and gifts from Online cake delivery in Mumbai
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