Could anyone shed some light on what makes a great takeaway butter chicken dish? Has anyone here ever worked in an indian kitchen, that would perhaps have a legit recipe?
This submission to /r/Food yesterday reminded me of my past failures to recreate my local takeaway's butter chicken... I'm not looking for an authentic Indian version (if that's a thing), or something that's probably served in higher end restaurant. I'm looking for the super creamy greasy and satisfying stuff from the cheap local takeaway counter. After offering a couple places $20 to let me watch them make my food, and getting turned away, and numerous failures in the kitchen at home, I had given up on making this tasty dish at home....
I'm living in Montreal, and going for something that looks like this, from Bombay Mahal. Palais D'ajit is also super nice. Notice how the color and texture is distinctly different from these couple homemade examples, which are good examples of what people make at home or what you might even get at a more traditional place. Im looking for greasy....
I asked this question in the first thread I link, yesterday, and only got one reply from /u/ElectricGeometry who suggested using saffron for the gravy and tandoori chicken to add some more flavor. Both of these suggestions seem great.
I've used this recipe in the past, but found less sugar, and more cream and adding green chilis for heat and black cardamon for flavor is nice. But the texture is definitely not right in the end.
I don't want to sound shitty, and think this might end up with no one replying, but I want to be clear: please don't just post your best or favorite butter chicken recipe here, unless you're confident it is takeaway style. I've combed through countless recipes online (Matty's and jamie oliver's are pretty shite) and had a go at it maybe 5 separate times, each time making a really good home cooked dish. I know how to make a good butter chicken at home. But I want to know how to make takeaway butter chicken at home. There's something about the takeaway recipe that just completelY eludes me... PLEASE HELP
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