Burns night is nearly upon us and it's fair to say there is a lot of tradition surrounding the celebration of Scotland's national bard. Being the creative types that we are, we decided to have a look at how we could put a modern spin on the main dish of haggis, neeps and tatties.
Serves four
*750g Quality Haggis *1 x medium turnip *2 x red rooster potatoes *2 x banana shallots *2 x measures whisky *tablespoon peppercorns *200ml beef stock *300ml double cream *100g butter *500ml chicken stock *1 packet feuille de braque pasty (filo) *2 sheets of baking/parchment paper
Chop half of the turnip into small even pieces, sweat down in butter in heavy based sauce pan, add chicken stock and cook over a medium heat. Once the turnip is soft blend well until smooth (puree) and season with salt and pepper to taste – keep warm until needed.
Take the other half of the turnip and using a mandeline (or sharp knife) cut the turnip to resemble short spaghetti.
Blanch the turnip spaghetti in salted boiling water until tender then drain the water to stop the turnip from cooking. Season with salt and pepper then keep warm until needed
Using a mandeline (or sharp knife) take the potato and cut into long strips (spaghetti). Clarify butter by melting in a pot and skim any residue from the surface. Toss the potato spaghetti in melted butter and season.
Mould the potato into small round shapes and place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Place a second sheet of paper on top of the potato and put another baking tray on top then bake potato between the two parchment lined trays in the oven until they are crisp and golden.
Haggis Pastilla
- To make the haggis pastilla, take the sheet of filo pastry and lay out on a clean dry surface. Make a paste using plain flour and water (1:1) brush the sheet of pastry with the paste and put another sheet on top. Fashion the haggis into a small sausage shape and roll up in the filo pastry. Make sure it’s wrapped tight and is well tucked in either side to resemble a spring roll. Deep fry until pastry turns golden brown and the haggis is hot through to the middle.
- Slice shallots and sweat off in pan ensuring no colour. Glaze with whisky, reduce slightly then add beef stock. Reduce a little further this time and add cream. Pass through a fine sieve and add peppercorns (whole) to taste.
- To serve spoon turnip puree onto plate, place spaghetti of turnip to the side of puree. Cut through the pastilla at an angle and place on the turnip spaghetti. Drizzle whisky jus around the plate and garnish with potato tuilles on top.
You can see the full recipe and images of the dish on this link. Along with a fine selection of Scottish sourced beverages from one of the best independent bottle shops in Glasgow that are ideally suited to accompany this meal.
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