Saturday, January 7, 2017

Request: In less than a month my sister will travel to America in which she'll be staying for 6 months. What are some good recipes for an "on the go" non-cooker?

My sister isn't really a foodie. I, however, am very much so. In light of that, and the fact that I'll be a few thousand miles away from her, I've decided to make a recipe-book for all her cooking needs, however, I am very much short on ideas in terms of FAST and CHEAP recipes (I spend most my time cooking big time-consuming meals). So I hope any of you got some for me :)

She usually likes pasta dishes - be it vegan or not - and afaik her preferred protein is chicken. This is NOT to say anything outside that general profile isn't of interest! Please, feel free to mention any recipe. This is simply to give you an idea of her palette.

Don't worry about any extensive ingredients in your recipes - spices or otherwise - as I'll personally be cooking each recipe for her to try and can therefore leave out or replace any complicated/expensive ingredient(s).

I really hope to see any idea you may have. This is her first time living on her own and on top of that all the way from Europe to America - I need her to be secure on the food front so she can put her focus on bigger priorities.

NOTE: She'll most likely be cooking her meals a day in advance and storing them in the fridge for her to grab before she leaves the house

bon appetit

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