Saturday, November 19, 2016

Best chili I've ever made! How authentic is it?

I made this recipe today. Can you give me constructive criticism on how authentic the chili is?

The following recipe is one that I adapted from a post from /u/churninbutter on this thread: Thanks, /u/churninbutter. The chili was amazing.

*2 lb Chuck Roast, cubed (sirloin might be better) *1 lb thick cut bacon *1 lb Chorizo *1 large yellow onion, finely chopped *2 jalapeno peppers, diced (w/seeds) *4 serrano peppers, diced (w/seeds if you want it hot) *2 red bell pepper, diced (remove center and seeds) *4 cloves of garlic, minced *3 Ancho chilies, dried *1 Pasilla chile, dried *1 Poya chile, dried *1 Guajillo chile, dried *1 New Mexico chile *Small (7 oz) can of chipotles in adobo sauce *Small (7 oz) can of sun dried tomatoes *29 oz can crushed tomatoes *2 Tbsp cumin *2 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce *1 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar *½ Tbsp red pepper *~12 oz Stout (I used Bell's Kalamazoo) *Kosher salt and black pepper to taste

1) Cook the bacon. Set bacon aside. Use the rendered bacon fat for the following steps. 1) Seed and stem the dried chilies (anchos, pasilla, poya, guajillo, and NM). Heat them in enough water (or chicken stock) to cover the chilies and let them soak for 15 minutes. 2) Meanwhile, heat up large pot to medium high heat, add some rendered bacon fat, onion (let onions caramelize for a bit), jalapenos, serranos, and bell peppers (they should sizzle when you add them) and cook for about 5 minutes, until the onions start to turn translucent. Add the garlic about halfway through this step. 3) Meanwhile, cook the beef until rare to medium rare (too cooked and it will be dry at the end). Also cook the chorizo. 4) At this point the chilies should be soft. Remove them from the water (discard water, it will be bitter), and place them in a blender along with the chipotles in adobo sauce and sun dried tomatoes (tomatoes added toward the end). 5) Maybe add some beer to help move everything around. 6) Puree until nice and smooth and then add to chili pot along with crushed tomatoes, spices and everything else. Stir well. Cook at a low simmer for 2-4 hours.

bon appetit

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