Sunday, June 28, 2020

Dill Pickles: to ferment or not to ferment?

Hello friends,

I planted some Kirby cucumbers in my garden this year and they're producing a lot. I'm planning on pickling most of them, and then doing a hot water canning so I can try to preserve them for a couple months. I've pickled stuff before (mostly onions and ramp bulbs), but have never tried to make traditional dill cucumber pickles. Now, a lot of recipes I've looking at online seem to be divided into two camps: to do a traditional vinegar pickle like I've done before, or to ferment the cucumbers for several days in a brine with spices.

Does anyone have any experience with this? What tastes better? I don't mind fermenting the cucumbers, but I'm afraid I don't have adequate temperature control. Thanks for any help or tips you can provide!

bon appetit

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