The Zucchini moon is a perfect variety of Zucchini to fill. It is very aesthetic and lucid, as you can see in the photo. It supports all sorts of fillings, and although I’ve filled my Zucchini Moon with bulgur Squid, you can use the ingredients you have on hand. It is a fabulous recipe for use.
These Zucchini stuffed with bulgur squid take some time in their preparation and require pampering, but are deserving of a little effort. The result is great and are a satiating meal themselves so that, once ready, we sit at the table to enjoy.
- 4 zucchini
- 7 oz of bulgur
- Broth of vegetables
- 0,5 oz of butter
- Half a red pepper
- Half a green pepper
- Half an onion
- 2 cans of squid fillets in sunflower oil
- Breadcrumbs
- Salt
Drain the squid,keep apart its oil and chop into small pieces. Cut the top of the zucchini and carefully, pour the interior with a scooper spoon. Reserve the zucchini meat, finely chopping, and you’ll use it later as part of the filling.
Chop the vegetables very small in even pieces. Heat a little oil from the squids in a pan and poached, over low heat for 10 minutes. Add the zucchini Moon and let soften for 5 minutes. Finally, add the squid and adjust the salt.
Heat water with a tsp of salt in a large saucepan and bring to boil. Blanch it courgettes and lids for a couple of minutes, no more. Retired courgettes and refresh in cold water to stop the cooking. Let them drain, upside down, on paper towels.
Prepare the bulgur. For this heat the vegetable broth in a saucepan and, when it reaches the boiling point, incorporate the bulgur. Cover the pan, turn off the heat and let the bulgur cook and hydrate alone. It will be ready in about 15 minutes. Add the butter, stir with a fork to loosen the grains and incorporate the vegetables with the squids.
Prinkle the inside of the zucchini moon with breadcrumbs and handed filling bulgur with vegetables and squid among the four. Sprinkle the top with a little breadcrumbs and introduce them in the preheated oven at 356° for 10-15 minutes or until top begins to brown.
See full recipe at:
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