Friday, February 17, 2017

Shopping List feature in recipe apps (particularly Paprika but let's talk about others too)

So I've heard Paprika mentioned a lot in this sub as a great recipe organizer/storage app and well worth the money. However, the comments about the shopping list feature have been a lot more tepid. The app I currently use for a popular food site used to have a great shopping list feature but that is no longer working as well since about half the recipes no longer load on mobile plus the site limits you to only storing recipes that are on its site.

So lets talk about which apps have shopping list features that we like or think work well. This is not a discussion about the best apps for collecting or storing recipes (there have been enough of those threads) but specifically focusing on the shopping list feature for those that really appreciate that functionality for making our favorite recipes or trying new ones. Or maybe even some unique ways people have of making shopping lists other than just writing one out.

bon appetit

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