Saturday, February 18, 2017

Tuna Cake on top of Spinach Salad

This is a recipe that is rather played out by ear more than it is proportioned. It is all to taste, although it tastes great, and is by far one of the most nutritional fried foods you will ever come across!

You need-

1 can of tuna

2 egg yolks

1/2 tablespoon of mayonnaise.

1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar (for the spinach)

1/2 to 1 teaspoon lemon juice or key lime, depending on if you want it tangy or not. Using lemon juice is still needed to get rid of any fishy odor.

One small handful of spinach

A pan with Walnut Oil (Olive oil works good too, but walnut oil isn't as overpowering when frying the tuna cakes.

All ingredients listed below can be used in any proportion you want, as it is for personal taste and flavour enhancement.




Garlic powder

Black pepper



Open your can of tuna, and express the water using the lid. If you want, you can keep the can as a mold for later. Then, pour the meat into a mixing bowl. Crack open two eggs, and put the yolks with the tuna. Then, put in 1/2 to 1 Teaspoon of lemon juice or key lime juice into the bowl. Then in order from most to put in to least, put it your dill ,black pepper, tarragon, garlic powder, ginger, and then salt into the bowl. After you finish mixing, get a frying pan, and put in some walnut oil. Heat it up until you feel confident in the temperature of the oil. Scoop your cake mixture into the can that stored the tuna, and press on it. Then, use a knife to run around the outside if the cake to separate it from the tin. Then, cut it in half. Put it into the oil, as you press on the cake gently to give it a more patty like shape. Spend around a minute and a half in each side. Flip the patty over with a spatula and do the same. Be careful, because the patty is very fragile, and will break if you are too rough with it.Spend another 20 seconds on each side, and turn your flame off. Do the same with the other half of the mixture, to create a second cake. Each can of tuna yields 2 cakes, so you can make one for yourself and another for a friend.

To serve, put the spinach leaves (fresh, not canned) with a little balsamic vinegar. Place on a small plate, and using your spatula, slide the tuna cake on top. Use 1/2 tbsp of mayonnaise on top of the cake, and serve. To garnish, I usually put a light sprinkle of dill onto the top of the mayonnaise. Bon appetit!

bon appetit

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