my take on a black garlic gochujang with no added sugar, i'd appreciate feedback if anyone uses it and thinks of improvements
250g black garlic
~100g chilis (remove seeds)
100g peeled ginger
100g green onion (just the whites)
200g carrots (black nebula or purple dragon if you can find them)
50g fresh garlic
50g nori or wakame, dried
10g seasalt.
tablespoon oil (vegetable or light sesame)
water ~~~ roast carrots whole at 180C until skins start to separate, remove from heat.
cut down the rest of the veg (not the black garlic) ino smallish pieces, chuck it on a roasting pan in the oven for ~20 min around 140-150 to carmelize a little and dehydrate.
combine carrots, oil, roasted veg, dried seaweed and black garlic in blender, blend until smooth, add the bare minimum of water possible if it needs it, then add the salt.
you can cook it down in a pan to lose the water, or just chuck it in the fridge for the flavors to marry overnight, i use this directly on kimchi after salting the cabbage, i add water, rice flour and fat to make sauces, and i use it with vinegar in marinades.
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