Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Asian Fusion: Pierogi Potstickers

Hi all, this recipe was originally born of my laziness (didn't feel like making the pierogi dough) but my fiance and I ended up liking them better than the original so now we make them like this all the time. We make these in big batches and freeze them so we always have a tasty app or side ready to go! This is my first time sharing a recipe here, hope you like it!

Makes: ~50 pierogi potstickers


- 50 premade round dumpling wrappers (1 pack)

- 1.5 lbs russet potatoes

- 1 cup freshly grated cheddar cheese

- 2 tbsp cream cheese

- 2 tbsp salted butter

- Garlic powder

- Salt & pepper

- Vegetable oil

To Prepare:

  1. Begin bringing a large pot of heavily salted water to a boil. While the water warms, wash peel, and cube your potatoes. Boil the potatoes in the water for 20-30 minutes until they are cooked through (a sharp knife stabbed into a piece should pull out cleanly).
  2. While the potatoes boil, shred your cheese from the block (skip if using shredded cheese, but its much better off the block!)
  3. When the potatoes are cooked through drain them and return them to the large pot. Add the butter and cream cheese and mash until smooth, then add the cheese and continue mashing until everything is evenly combined. Season to taste with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. (I recommend being heavy handed on the salt!) It is important that you taste the mixture as you go!
  4. Allow the filling mixture to cool to room temp, or transfer it to the fridge to cool. You don't want it to be too hot when you start filling your dumplings.
  5. Place 2 teaspoons (~1 scant tablespoon) of filling in the center of a wrapper and fold using preferred dumpling fold. I recommend the 2nd technique described here. If you have never folded dumplings before please read that before starting. You will want a small bowl of water to dip your fingers in to wet the edges of the wrapper to help it seal. (if you're having trouble google "how to fold dumplings"). Note, I use a cookie scoop to fill mine which works great.

To Freeze:

  1. To freeze the pierogi you need to place them in the freezer such that they are not touching for at least 15 minutes. This allows the surface of the wrapper to freeze. Once this is complete you can transfer them to a zip bag for long term storage. If you skip this step your pierogi will freeze together and be ruined. I place mine on a cookie sheet as I make them and then stick the whole sheet in the freezer.

To Prepare:

  1. Starting with frozen or room temp pierogi (I actually recommend starting from frozen, it helps them hold their shape) heat 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a large skillet with a lid. Once the oil is hot add ~10 pierogi and fry on all sides until golden and crispy, add more oil if needed. Once crispy, add ½ cup of hot water and cover with the lid. Steam for 3 minutes, then remove the lid and continue cooking until all of the water is gone. Transfer to a plate and serve immediately. Do not overcrowd the skillet, work in batches if making a lot at once.
  2. Serve with a side of sour cream. These make a great app or a hearty side (we love these with a good garlic butter steak) Enjoy!

bon appetit

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