Sunday, March 27, 2016

Husband only likes a handful of vegetables. I am getting tired and pissed more often when I make meals that won't kill him.

I have a 3 year old and 1 year old and they are way easier to cook for than my husband. I'm losing my patience with him. He wants to eat "healthy" but won't eat healthy things.

He's a super taster so broccoli is extremely bitter to him. He can't stand the crunch of fresh vegetables. He doesn't like the texture of most squashes. Basically okay with a lot of vegetables as long as they are cooked to limp and lifeless with no nutritional value.

He likes asparagus, zucchini, and edamame. That's freaking it!

I want him to not die early because of his eating. Not to mention, meat is expensive and disgusting to eat a lot of.

What can I do?

bon appetit

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