Monday, June 27, 2016

Carbonara Original(serving 2 people)

*I posted this recipe under different profile name but I created another account and deleted previous one.


4 egg yolks OR two whole eggs+2 egg yolks 1lb spaghetti-I prefer fettucine or penne. 100 g bacon(do NOT use economy bacon. It doen'st have enough meet and has too much fat) 4 tbsp of Parmesan cheese Some salt and pepper 1 tbsp of ground garlic. 1 tbsp of olive oil.

  1. Boil the water and cook the pasta until Al Dente-or chewy.
  2. While you cook pasta, beat egg thoroughly, and mix in grated cheese. Add some salt and pepper.
  3. On a skillet, heat oil and the chopped bacon on medium. When the bacon fat is rendered, use kitchen towel to remove excess grease. Cook garlic. 4.Drain the pasta but NOT COMPLETELY. Leave tad bit of moisture. Throw it in the bacon+garlic skillet and make the oil coat the pasta thoroughly. Take off the heat completely and cool it to the point it's still hot but not enough to scramble the eggs.
  4. Mix in the egg+cheese mixture and constantly stir it so that the egg doesnt' scramble.
  5. Sprinkle extra cheese on it. Done!

bon appetit

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