Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Strawberry / Bannana Smoothie


  • One banana

  • Twelve strawberries, vary amount as to needs and size

  • Six dessert spoons / soup spoons of greek yohgurt

  • 1/4 cup water

  • Ice


  • Sugar: I used two teaspoons


  1. Spoon yohgurt into blender / processor

  2. Pour in 1/4 cup water -- see notes

  3. Add the strawberries and the banana (in two halves)

  4. Blend. Pour into jug.

  5. Add ice, refrigerate, serve chilled.


Vary amount of water as to your needs. This recipe makes enough for two large glasses or so -- I used 1/2 a cup of water by accident. If making more than a single serving, add 50% more yoghurt and another banana.

Serving Size

One or Two large glasses depending on amount of ingredients.

bon appetit

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