Monday, June 27, 2016

Kimchi newbie, how long can I store leftover kimchi and what to do with the leftovers?

I bought a smallish tub, (about 1.5cups volume) as I keep reading about how it is so good for you. I made kimchi fried rice, which was very good, but the tub has an expiration date of 29 June. I tend to go by my nose generally rather than dates, so can I keep this longer? I assume so, is it enough to keep it in the closed tub in the fridge.

and now I have a cupful left, any suggestions for leftovers?

Any suggestions to amp up the kimchi fried rice, I fried onions, garlic, kimchi, added rice, soy and sesame oil and a fried egg. what else can I do-I feel it needed something a little sweet to balance out the salt, sweet chilli sauce? anything else?

bon appetit

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