Tuesday, August 30, 2016

ECSK (every cook should know) about Le poulet à la Gaston Gérard

Le poulet à la Gaston Gérard is a recipe from Burgondy, invented in 1930, which combine some typical ingredients from this region.

Disclaimer: this is better eaten in winter and will make you fat nevertheless.


  • 6 chicken breasts
  • 5 cl oil and 100 gr butter
  • salt & pepper
  • a big coffee spoon of paprika
  • half a bottle (37.5 cl) of Aligoté (or Chardonnay)
  • 2 soup spoon of moutarde de Dijon (mustard seeds, vinegar, salt, eventually verjuice, and that's all)
  • 50 cl of heavy cream
  • 150 gr of grated Comté (or an equivalent, Gruyère for example, but must be strong enough)
  • a pinch of thyme
  • dried bread-crumbs


  1. preheat your oven to 180°-200° C.
  2. take a frying pan and melt the butter/oil in it
  3. add the chicken breast and cover them with the salt, pepper and paprika
  4. heat them until they start to brown
  5. put them in a roasting pan (?) (the thing that goes into an oven) and reserve them (keep them here for now)
  6. deglaze the frying pan with the white wine
  7. after a few minutes, lower the heat and add the cream
  8. add the mustard and stir
  9. slowly incorporate the cheese into the sauce
  10. add the thyme
  11. now pour the sauce on the chicken breasts
  12. cover with bread crumbs, put it into the oven, and grill/brown for 15 mn
  13. serve with mashed potatoes

Bon appétit !

bon appetit

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