Thursday, March 3, 2016

How to make the Best Chocolate Macarons

A Piece of Paris – French Chocolate Macaron Recipe

No one is denying that this sumptuous and sophisticated treat can be tricky to get right. You only have to gaze through the windows of the patisseries lining the Seine to see that it takes a master hand to perfect the macaron. However that is not to say that the Parisian delicacy is impossible. The delightful almond meringue is so sweet and dainty it simply falls apart on the tongue and the devilish dark ganache filling in this recipe will transport you to the gilded streets of the Champs Elyse’s. These darling little chocolate macarons may take some time to perfect, but at least you get to taste and try, and taste and try until you have the process just right. There are a couple of things you need to remember when making chocolate macarons: don’t go wild beating the batter or you could end up with runny macarons as opposed to stiff little biscuits. Also make sure that when you choose your chocolate you opt for high quality chocolate (

Ingredients to make the best chocolate macarons

1 cup of almond flour 2 cups powdered sugar 3 large egg whites 3 tablespoons of sugar 3 large tablespoons of Pure Cacao Powder A pinch of salt A pinch of cream of tartar 

Ingredients for the Chocolate Ganache Macaron Filling

4 ounces of chopped Organic Dark Chocolate 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter ½ cup of thick cream 

How to make the Chocolate Macarons

  1. Mix together the almond flour, the powdered sugar, the cocoa powder and the salt until the ingredients are evenly distributed and you are left with a fine dry mixture. Sift the mixture and put to one side.

  2. Whisk the egg whites until they are foamy and have an opaque color. Add the cream of tartar and continue to beat, slowly add the granulated sugar and keep mixing. Be careful not to over whip at this point, you should whisk until the whites are shiny and the peaks are stiff like meringues.

  3. Fold the dry flour mixture into the meringue mix in small portions, you want to fold in just enough so that the egg whites have disappeared and the mixture looks like cake batter.

  4. Place the mixture into a pastry bag and begin to pipe out one inch rounds onto a tray covered in baking paper. Make sure you pipe them at least one inch away from each other You should aim to get around 25 per sheet. After you have piped out the mixture, bang the tray on a surface so that the macaron forms a flat base. Let the macarons sit at room temperature for at least half an hour.

  5. Bake the macarons in a preheated oven at around 350F for around 15 minutes rotating the baking paper sheet half way through the process.

How to Make a Dreamy Chocolate Ganache Filling

  1. Chop the Organic Dark Chocolate into fine pieces and put into a bowl.

  2. Place the cream into a small saucepan and heat over a medium heat until it starts to boil, slowly add the chocolate and keep stirring until you have a smooth mixture, let sit for a minute or two and then add the butter and stir until fully melted. Place the mixture into the fridge and let cool for at least thirty minutes.
    The Final Touch to the Perfect French Chocolate Cookie

The Final Touch to the Perfect French Chocolate Cookie

  1. Match the macarons in pairs of a similar size.

  2. Add the ganache filling. You can either pipe the ganache or spoon the ganache onto the macaron.

  3. Top with another macaron and press down gently to make a sandwich, making sure that the ganache doesn’t run over the sides.

  4. Place in the fridge overnight and then serve up your delectable little goodies and enjoy the fine taste of a true chocolate macaron!

bon appetit

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