Monday, September 7, 2015

Cheesy Garlic Tomato Soup

When I had all four of my wisdom teeth extracted, which were all impacted, I couldn't eat anything solid for at least a week. This was what I survived on. Previously, I hated tomato soup unless I was dipping grilled cheese into it.

[Warning! This probably has a lot of calories!]

  1. Melt 2 tbsp butter in a regular sauce pan/pot and keep on medium heat.
  2. Pour in 1 can of tomato soup of your choice. (I like Campbell)
  3. Add half a can of whole milk and mix well.
  4. Dollop 2 tbsp sour cream.
  5. Sprinkle 1-2 tbsp garlic powder and 1-2 tbsp of onion powder. Chopped fresh onions and garlic can be used. I often add both fresh and powdered onions/garlic.
  6. [OPTIONAL] Add chili extract for desired heat level. I'm a big chili-head and add about 5 tbsp.
  7. Pour in 1 cup of shredded four cheese. Cheddar is okay but not ideal.
  8. Mix very thoroughly and bring the solution to a boil. Be sure that all the cheese is melted so there aren't any chunks.
  9. Enjoy!

bon appetit

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