Monday, September 7, 2015

Tired! So Tired! Rant.

I'm tired of the most generic questions here. I feel like there should be more definition required in questions. Where are you going with this vague request for help?

"What should I cook for my girlfriend?" - food

"What gluten free things should I cook for my neighbor?" - gluten free food

"What vegan thing can I cook for my boss?" - vegan food

"What recipe do you like?" -food

"My new girlfriend can't eat food. What should I feed her?" - ???

It's really hard without more specifics. What do they like? How is their palate? Spicy, non-standard ingredients, breadth of palate? What about the culinary skills of the cook? Do you know how to braise/roast/poach/fry?

Do you have a specialty market of any type available to you? NYC/LA/SF/Chicago is different than St Cloud/Osh Kosh/Lawrence/Sioux Falls, or further out into the hinterlands (No offense! I love you all), but when you are hunting for non-megamart ingredients, you need options. I don't want to suggest 3 kinds of tomatoes and 4 forms of fennel if you have never heard of them and they are not available to you.

There are a million options, food is nearly infinite, that's what makes it beautiful. A real chef never knows anything and is always learning, in a Kung-Fu Panda kind of way.

It's like asking a waitress what to recommend. They will tell you what their favorite burger topping is, or their favorite side for the steak, but please never say "What should I order?" They all hate that.

I am always amazed at how many responses are "The first Google response is..."

Please, question askers, give some structure to your question, rather than the examples above.

I look forward to input. You are all really good with suggestions. Please don't hate me for this post.

tl;dr put some substance in your recipe request, please.

bon appetit

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