Thursday, May 19, 2016

Confinement Recipe: Ginger Chicken


• Chicken thigh meat – 1kg (deboned)

• Aged ginger – 300g

• Cloud ear fungus – 30g (soaked and cut into small pieces)

• Huiji Waist Tonic – 300ml


• Sesame oil – 100g

• Salt – ½ teaspoon

• Water – 150ml


  1. Wash and clean chicken thigh. Strain and cut chicken thigh into pieces.
  2. Wash and clean aged ginger. Remove skin and chop finely.
  3. Soak cloud ear fungus in water for about 20 minutes till soften.
  4. Remove from bowl and clean the soaked fungus. Then cut into small pieces or strips.
  5. Heat wok with sesame oil. Add the ginger and stir-fry until aromatic.
  6. Add the chicken and stir continuously until the meat turns opaque, then add the fungus and salt, stir to combine well.
  7. Add water into the wok and cook about 15-20 minutes.
  8. Lastly, add Huiji waist tonic. Bring to a boil and it’s ready to serve.

More awesome confinement recipes here!

bon appetit

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