Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Simple Spicy Chipotle Cream Pasta

I had this at the cafeteria and thought it looked really easy to make. It's a great alternative to the usual Red/White/Rosa sauce options and it's got a taste:work ratio that's hard to beat. Word of warning, it's going to be as spicy as those chipotles so know your limits!

What you'll need (serving suggestion for 2 in parentheses):

1 can of Chipotles in Adobo Sauce, like San Marcos Chipotles in Adobo sauce (1.5 Tbs blended, more if you dig the flavor and crave a kick!)

1 bottle Alfredo Sauce or make and use your own (1 Cup)

1 box pasta of your choice, like rigatoni (~2 Cups dried)

Extras: sliced sausage, chopped up sundried tomatoes, really anything you want

  1. Cook the pasta
  2. Blend the contents of the chipotles in Adobo sauce until it's smooth (an immersion blender is great for this).
  3. Put the alfredo sauce and chipotle paste into a large pan and heat it up. Blend them together and then add whatever extras you want.
  4. Add the pasta and toss to coat

bon appetit

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