Sunday, May 22, 2016

[REQUEST] understanding curries

Hey so, broad question and my Google-FuTM is failing me here. tl;dr: is there an in depth curry website I can hit up to learn the basics and more?

There are tons of curries out there, and they seem to be divided geographically and by colour. Apparently curry is jingoist .. who knew?

Anyways, colors I get--I think. Yellow is mild, red is medium and green tends to be quite spicy. My wife spent quite a few years in Thailand so she's partial to massaman curries, but I don't understand how that's different from a Singapore curry, or a curry from Pakistan. Even the different kinds of curries within a region I want to understand more. I feel like ordering "curry" at a local Indian restaurant is a lot like going up to a beef farmer and asking for a slab o' cow.

bon appetit

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