Saturday, May 21, 2016

[Request] Your unusual but damn tasty recommendations!

Tonight we're kid free, so no whinging from the bedroom about what the hell we're up to in the kitchen, so we got a little .. experimental. But let's keep this PG-13, k? So tonight I whipped up a small batch of refried beans and curry paste!

Recipe: 1 tsp cardamom, ginger, cumin, turmeric

1 tbsp curry paste

Enough refried beans to bulk it out, or dilute the spice

1 med tomato, diced

A bit of onion and a clove of garlic

I just whipped all this together in a pan with a lap of oil, I diced up some soap cilantro and chucked it all in a wrap. Next time it needs more crunch, so I'd add belle peppers.

So, what are y'all up to in the kitchen?

bon appetit

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