Monday, May 23, 2016

[Request] What to bring to a memorial day cookout that travels well over a few hours?

This weekend, I'm traveling almost 3 hours from Massachusetts to NY to go to my friend's memorial day cookout at her new house. I was asked to bring something, but I am weary on bringing traditional cookout side dishes (pasta/potato salad, fruit trays, dips/chips) because of the long distance travel and not owning a cooler to store anything in for the drive. I was thinking of making something in my slow cooker (which locks on the top and has handles), but similarly, wasn't sure if the food would stay safe or taste great after reaching room temp over the 3 hour drive.

Any thoughts on what to bring? My last resort is to stop at a grocery store by her house and pick up a cold fruit tray or something!

bon appetit

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