For noodles: 8ounces of Dry rice noodles 1tablespoon of Sunflower oil 12ounces of Chicken breast, Boneless, Skinless (1 large breast) 1 Egg, beaten 2 teaspoons of Garlic, minced 0.25 ounce of Snow peas, slit diagonally 6 ounces of Bean Sprouts, fresh 1 tablespoon of Water
For sauce: 1 teaspoon of Smooth peanut butter 0.25 cup of Catsup 2 tablespoons of Sugar 0.5 teaspoon of Chili powder 1 teaspoon of Soy sauce (shoyu) 1 tablespoon of Fish sauce 2 tablespoons of Lime juice, freshly squeezed
Instructions: To prepare the noodles, fully immerse them in a big bowl of hot (but not boiling water). Soak for 10 minutes, drain and put it aside.
While the noodles soak, whisk together all the sauce ingredients (marked as "for sauce" in the ingredient list above) in a bowl, mix throughout and set aside.
Add half the oil into a large pan over medium heat. Cook the chicken in the pan with salt and pepper, stirring through out until the chicken is cooked. (About 8 minutes) Set the chicken aside.
Continue cooking with the same pan and add a beaten egg to the pan, frying quickly. Remove the cooked egg and set it aside with the chicken.
Add the remaining oil to the pan and reduce the head to low. Add garlic and stir fry for 30 seconds. Add the snow peas and bean sprouts – cook for another 2 minutes.
Add the sauce to the pan.
Turn the heat upto high and stir the noodles, vegetables and the sauce till evenly combined. Add the chicken and egg back into the pan for another minute. Fry in high-heat until the sauce reduces.
Serve warm, top with optional garnishes (if using).
For printable recipe, refer to:
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