Monday, July 25, 2016

Homemade Hummus with homemade Tahini and Spiced Beef Mince

Here's album of my homemade hummus adventure.

I used this recipe for the hummus, this recipe for the Tahini, and this one for the spiced beef.

I followed these recipes pretty closely, except for a few minute variations. I soaked 2 cups of dried chick peas, which turned into almost 6 cups of puffed-up chick peas. It was way too much for me to use, so I doubled the recipe for the chick peas and boiled 4 cups, saving the rest.

The 1 cup of dried sesame seeds made about 3/4 of a cup of Tahini, and I used nearly all of it. The recipe only called for 1/4 cup, so may have used a little extra Tahini. The resulting hummus was very... Tahini-ee, which wasn't bad. It mellowed out after a few hours in the fridge. As a side note, I tried to tahini paste after I made it, and the Tahini recipe describes it a "creamy" but it was actually rather bitter.

I also added some garam masala to the spiced beef recipe, but it still wasn't very spicy at all. I should have doubled up on the spices and used a little extra cayenne.

I also under-salted the dish. I didn't boil the chick peas in salted water, and I ended up not putting enough into the blended mixture.

I also didn't like the Feta cheese in the beef mince, so I'd leave that out next time.

Still, I'd say 7.5 out of 10.

bon appetit

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