Friday, July 8, 2016

Anybody got any grind-grabbingly good chocolate cake recipes?

Let me preface this by saying this isn't like a "hur dur I'm too lazy to look up how to make a cake someone here tell me" question, I'm looking for some sweet recipes.

My girlfriends birthday is coming up and I want to make her an amazing chocolate cake. Something so good that when she eats it she immediately thinks "we have to bang RIGHT NOW" (not really...but really).

I've been having a Google at various chocolate cakes online but the ones I've seen so far all just look like your plain, standard sponge type cakes but I want to make something really rad.

So my question is does anybody here have any recipes for amazing cakes they've tried that they can really recommend? I've never made a cake before in my life and am just looking for some possible cakes that I might not find or hear of through my own searching.

Thanks for any replies.

bon appetit

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