Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Request: I'm going to be cooking a romantic meal for a vegetarian woman with ulcerative colitis. I need recipe suggestions!

I'm going to be cooking a meal for a vegetarian lady friend who has ulcerative colitis. I really like her and it's very early days between us so I really want it to be good.

She's actually a pescetarian i suppose, she eats fish but not other meat. And her UC means I have to keep it quite simple to avoid making her shit through the eye of a needle (her words, she's a keeper). I'll run any recipe I decide on past her to make sure it's suitable. She's told me she likes: fish, cheese, beans, veggies, Mexican food.

I think I'll avoid Mexican food because I want to keep it light. I dont want us to be all bloated and stuffed for the sexy times!

I'm open to any ideas. I have been thinking about making egg fried rice with prawns and veggies, maybe a light creamy pasta dish... like a creamy tagliatelle thing with salmon and veggies and parmasan.

I'm open to all suggestions. It doesn't have to be super cheap but I'm not loaded. I want to impress her but I think it might make her feel uncomfortable if she thought I had spent to much, I know she finds posh restaurants stressful and I want this to be relaxed and romantic.

Thanks in advance!

bon appetit

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